"A photography festival by Darb 1718 in partnership with Al Safar association. The exhibition celebrates photography through bringing together all career stages; emerging, mid-career and established artists, to raise awareness of contemporary topics through different forms photography and video."
/ Youth is Timelessness with a Fixed Core /
Stemming from my project on Cairo’s vernacular design, Habashtakanat magazine, the following photographs present objects I found on the streets of the city that, simply put, refuse to die. The meaning of fighting for survival for them is rather different though: they blend in through expanding their functions; they reinvent themselves in resistance to the idea of being useless, hence not easily dying and being forgotten. Naturally—though somewhat slyly—shadowing this, is the city of Cairo: as the meaning of these objects expands, the city follows.
With that in mind, the idea of youth is not the state of being young, but rather the flexibility with which one is able to create and recreate oneself more than once. And through these photographs, I am giving these objects the chance to tell the story of their ‘recreation’ silently.